Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this site. If you do NOT agree to the terms and conditions listed, please discontinue your use or access of the site. We may update these terms from time to time without notice so please check these terms regularly to be sure you understand the conditions to continue browsing or interacting with our site.
These Terms and Conditions, along with our Privacy Policy, set the terms for viewing and interaction with our site. When we refer to “you” and “your”, we mean the person viewing, using, and accessing our site.
Vizions In Motion and any subsidiaries or affiliates (also known as “we”, “our”, “us”) has not made any warranty, express or implied, with respects to its contents, technology or usability. Vizions In Motion’s web site (let’s call it our “site” for short) is designed for general information and entertainment only. The information presented on this site cannot be construed to be formal advice or the formation of a business or other professional relationship. You agree that you are accessing our site at your own discretion and will not hold us liable for any issues, damages, interruption, or loss.
We do not charge for the view, use, or access to our site but we can change this at any time without notice.
We will attempt to ensure the website content and technology is up to date but there may be inadvertent technical or content issues, inaccuracies, or typographical errors. It is your responsibility to verify any and all information before relying on it.
We may allow comments on some or all of our posted articles or interact with the site as long as you agree to be responsible for all interactions made under your access. If you choose to submit a comment on an article or interact with the site, please follow the rules of interaction:
- You are at least 18 years old and/or the age where you are legally responsible for your actions as determined by law;
- You will provide accurate information including email addresses that you possess or have permission to use;
- You will only post information related to the topic or article;
- You will not post spam or advertisements without our written pre-approval;
- You will not attempt to impersonate another person or entity;
- You will not violate another person’s or entity’s personal, private or protected information (trade secret, phone numbers, social security numbers, etc.);
- You will not attempt, introduce, or direct others to any malicious technology or any other items or actions that are deemed harmful by us;
- You shall NOT post content, images, references or links that falls within any of the following: promotes or incites violence, “hate” content, bullying or harassment; pornographic, sexually explicit or other adult themes; illegal, proprietary, pirated or otherwise protected information without permission by the rightful owner; offers of monetary gains or other financial arrangements (gambling, trading info, work-at-home schemes, etc.); promotes any personal or professional product/services, company, cause or agenda not related to us and without our written permission; or intended to misrepresent, undermine, harm or damage Vizions In Motion, its reputation, its personnel or its interests.
This site may contain links or references to third party information or websites that are not owned or controlled by us. We have no responsibility for the information, reliability, practices, etc. of third parties. We also do not endorse any third party’s company, information, product or service, or website that is identified, referenced, advertised or displayed on this site. If you decide to visit a third party website, you do so at your own risk so we suggest that you carefully read their terms and conditions before deciding to access.
If you, as a third party, decide to link to any page or content within our site, you may only do so in a way that is fair, align to our values, and does not harm or damage our reputation, our personnel or our interests. We may withdraw permission to link to our site at any time and without notice. To the extent of law, you may not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, publicly display or prepare derivative works from any material (including text, audio, video, images, etc.) from our site without our written consent. You may not state, suggest, or even imply that we are associated with or endorse a third party where we do not. You also agree not to use or attempt to use our site for any commercial business or resale purposes.
This entire site, including all text, code, software, scripts, audiovisual, interactive features and custom images are considered the property of Vizions In Motion. All rights reserved. You shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, duplicate, modify, sell, license or otherwise represent any part of this website or content without our prior written consent. Any content, contributions or other submissions to our site may be utilized, rejected/removed, reposted or distributed by us at our sole discretion without notification, compensation or reference to the contributor. Site misuse indicates a breach of our terms and you may be denied permission to access or reference our site, be required to destroy any copies of the materials you have made, and be personally and financially responsible for the impact or damages.
You agree not to attempt to decompile, reverse engineer, disassembles, or otherwise attempts to derive source code from our systems or site. Any person or persons who attempts to breach, infiltrate, hack, harm, attack, or attempt any other unauthorized access into any part of the site will be held legally and financially responsible for the activity including the effort and expense to address or otherwise correct the activity and prevent further related activity.
We are an equal opportunity employer and individuals are selected based on job-related qualifications regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other status protected by law. Submission of resume, inquiry for position or other conversations or exchanges with Vizions In Motion does not indicate an employment relationship or obligate Vizions In Motion to hire, offer employment or consider applicant for a position or even that the posted position is open. Job applicant grants permission to Vizions In Motion for a full investigation of qualifications and background. Job applicant further agrees to release Vizions In Motion, its officers, employees, representatives and agents along with any former employer, school, reference, etc. from any liability and/or damage incurred in accessing, verifying or using information obtained or provided on job inquiry submission.
We are not able to provide web browser or other technical support but if you are having a consistent error or issue with viewing or navigating the site, please contact us through our contact page and we will do our best to assist. While we cannot guarantee responses to every request, we will try to respond to as many valid requests as possible in a timely manner.
Your access, usage, and interaction with this site and/or Vizions In Motion constitutes an agreement to these identified terms. If we decide not to exercise or enforce any right that we have against you at a specific time, we retain the right to decide to exercise or enforce that right at a later point in time, as permitted by law. If any part of these terms are deemed to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, the remaining terms continue to be enforceable. These terms or any other website content may be changed at any point in time with or without notice of the changes.